Wednesday, January 15, 2025

January 15, 2025: 1411.Erik. 1412.Dave. 1413.Janinne. 1414.Drew&Carol Skinner. 1415.Barb Turnow. 1416.Pat L


Good morning to all of you faithful people.  It is a dreary cloudy day but may we spread JOY to those we are in contact with.

It has been a busy different week.  Monday morning we had our TV debut with 

1411.Erik Thorstonson 

1412.Cameraman Dave.  They were here around 1 ½ hour recording an episode for Someone You Should Know on KDLT  It was a fun time.  Pray that the real message of our group comes through. We gave Erik and Dave each a quilt and prayed for them.

Last night we had a table full  (welcome back Lily) as we prayed for 4 people…..

1413.Janinne, Kim Fawbush Revert’s mother-in-law, has been ill and has moved in with Kim and Daryl

1414.Drew & Carol Skinner, who operated Nicky’s……thanks for their many years of service to our community! 

1415.Barb Turnow who is dealing with some colon cancer 

1416. Pat Lauck who had some heart surgery yesterday.   


Continue to pray for these individuals and especially for each other.  Many tears were shared as we prayed for Matt and Kelsey and Trevor & Stephanie.  May God be with these little ones they have cared for.

Thank you Deanna for the treats.

Hope to see you again on Jan. 28th.

Always remember it is not about us or the quilts but about prayer.

Love, Joyce

The DNA of JOY is Thankfulness

Psalm 107:1

Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.  

His love endures forever.

Friday, December 13, 2024

December 7 2024 Quilter’s Christmas Party! 1399-1407. Domestic Violence Network. 1408.Marty W. 1409.Peggy. 1410.James


1399-1407.Domestic Violence Network

1408.Marty W who suffered a stroke

1409.Peggy  another close friend of son Tom who is dealing with 2 types of breast cancer….one is very rare

1410.James graduated from DSU

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

November 27 2024. 1391.Jessica. 1392.Patty&Doug B. 1393.Jessica. 1394.Brenda. 1395.the Lampmans. 1396.Kathryn. 1397.Gwynnie. 1398.Lainey


November 27 2024

Good morning ladies on a cool winter day.

We had a great night last night.  We prayed  and did quilts for eight…….

1391. Jessica, Tom Brown’s boss, who had surgery for uterine cancer… 

1392. Patty & Doug Bittle…a former pastor at WCBC…Doug had to be put into a nursing home; he is dealing with Parkinson's….. 

1393.Jessica, a friend of Jeff G., who is going through a hard time with her son who has disabilities….. 

1394.Brenda dealing with cancer in both lungs…Brenda is the daughter of a man who lives near Betty in assisted living…. 

1395. the Lampmans who just had a baby…a friend of Abby’s….


1396. Kathryn, Abby’s mother-in-law, dealing with losing a loved pet…. 

1397. Gwynnie, a friend of Marcie’s, a 4 yr. old dealing with juvenile arthritis… 

1398. Lainey, a 1 yr old friend of Marcie’s, dealing with cancer. 

I hope that you can all come for our brunch at 11:00 on Dec. 7th.  Bring something good.  If you don’t have anything come anyway.  We always have plenty.

Our next work night is Jan. 14th so mark that on your calendars.

Thank you Karen and Deanna for the treats.

We have so much to be thankful for.  Everyone have a special Thanksgiving Day but remember really every day is thanksgiving day.

I’m so thankful for each one of you.

Love, Joyce

Cast all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

Thursday, November 14, 2024

November 13 2024 1387.Nate 1388.Dani 1389.Luann M. 1390.Aubree

Good morning on a dark dreary day……but it is wonderful we got rain.

We had a great night with lots of good help.  Thank you Susan for the treats.

We prayed and gave 4 quilts….

1387. Nate, an adopted son of a friend of Holly

1388. Dani,  a good friend of Anna’s who had a miscarriage and has many medical issues…                                                                


1389.Luann M..suffering with kidney stones….


1390.14 yr old Aubree who is recouping from a car accident…Aubree’s sister was killed in the accident.  Aubree is a friend of Anna. 

Continue to pray for Marie and her husband, Charlie.  Charlie is out of the hospital but needs to stay close for a couple of weeks.

Our last meeting of the year is Nov. 26th.  Our Christmas brunch will be Dec. 7th.  This is special time when the home workers can join us.

Thanks to all of you.  Each one is special…..those who can come work and those who do much work at home……..each step is important.

Have a wonderful week…enjoy the rain.

Love, Joyce

Always remember to

Choose Joy

Thursday, October 24, 2024

October 23, 2024 1378.the Oberg Family. 1379.Kevin S. 1380.Marlon&Kris. 1381.Kobee S. 1382.Deanna H. 1383.Tammy Miller. 1384.Patrick&Erica Burger. 1385.Tess N. 1386.Promise

 Ladies we had another great night……it was busy but good.

Last Thursday Nate and Marci came and we did a quilt and prayed for 

1378. the Oberg family from Howard…...their 15 yr. old daughter Audrey passed away.

Last night we did quilts and had a great time of prayer for

1379. Kevin (friend of son, Roger)fighting prostrate cancer.

1380. Marlon & Kris Wiebe…Kris donated one of her kidneys to Marlon… 

1381. Kobee Sherman, a young man from the Viborg/ Hurley school district. Kobee has been fighting cancer for 1½ years and is having one of his legs amputated on Oct. 28th

1382. Deanna Howe (Sandy M. sister) with medical problems….. 

1383.  a happy quilt for Tammy Miller CEO of Madison Regional Health System who is retiring 

1384. Patrick & Erica Burger who will be pastoring a church in DeSmet 

1385. Tess Nelson fighting the battle of breast cancer  

1386. Promise, a 5 year old foster child staying with Nate and Marcie for 10 days. 

Remember our mission is all about the prayers so may we continue to reach out to people that need our prayers.  There are many so keep your ears open to anyone that we can bring just a moment of joy to.

There are 5 Tuesdays in Oct. so we won’t meet until Nov. 12th and then again the last work night of 2024, Nov. 26th…….another year almost gone.  We will have our Christmas brunch on Dec. 7th.  There will be no work nights in Dec.

Thanks Holly for the good treats.

Remember each one of you is important.  It takes many hours to make a quilt so thanks everyone whether you work at home or here.

Choose Joy in the fact that we can reach out to a few people.

God is good.

Love, Joyce

(..just read this in a book and thought it was good.)

The proper function of Man (or woman)is to live,

not to exist. I shall not waste my days

in trying to prolong them. I shall use my time.

                                                                                 -Jack London- 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October 9 2024. 1371.Randy Rook. 1372.Ed Hanson. 1373.Lyle. 1374.Sally. 1375.Michelle Eimers. 1376.Nick. 1377.Danelle&Brady Balogh

 October 9 2024. 1371.Randy Rook. 1372.Ed Hanson. 1373.Lyle. 1374.Sally. 1375.Michelle Eimers. 1376.Nick. 1377.Danelle&Brady Balogh

Good morning ladies on another beautiful fall day.

We had a great night last night.

Sandy McElhatton came and we prayed for three quilts for her family & friends:  

1371. for Sandy’s brother Randy Rook who has stage 4 colon cancer… 

1372.for Ed Hanson who has Stage 4 lung cancer….. 

1373. for Lyle (husband of a cousin) who is suffering with Parkinson’s. 

We also later in the evening prayed and did quilts for 

1374.Sally who had a double mastectomy (friend of son Tom)… 

1375.Michelle Eimers with breast cancer….. 

1376. Joy Boon’s brother Nick who will be having a bone marrow transfusion to battle multiple myeloma… 

1377. Danelle & Brady Balogh waiting to bring their baby daughter home (2lb. 3 0z at birth but has gained to 5 – 13) 

We enjoyed having Abby Morganti and Anna Vonkeman join us.  It takes many hands and many prayers to keep our ministry going.  Each hand is so important because it takes many steps to make a quilt.  Thank you each one of you for whatever you do because it is all very special.

Our next work night will be Oct. 22nd.  We will have 2 work nights in Nov. then have Dec. off.  We will have a brunch on Sat. morning Dec. 7th unless there are too many conflicts.

Remember to each day to love one another and to Choose Joy.

Love, Joyce

Love never fails,

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three;

But the greatest of these is love.

I Corinthians 13:8, 13