Wednesday, October 9, 2024

October 9 2024. 1371.Randy Rook. 1372.Ed Hanson. 1373.Lyle. 1374.Sally. 1375.Michelle Elmer’s. 1376.Nick. 1377.Danelle&Brady Balogh

 October 9 2024. 1371.Randy Rook. 1372.Ed Hanson. 1373.Lyle. 1374.Sally. 1375.Michelle Elmer’s. 1376.Nick. 1377.Danelle&Brady Balogh

Good morning ladies on another beautiful fall day.

We had a great night last night.

Sandy McElhatton came and we prayed for three quilts for her family & friends:  

1371. for Sandy’s brother Randy Rook who has stage 4 colon cancer… 

1372.for Ed Hanson Stage 4 lung cancer….. 

1373. for Lyle (husband of a cousin) who is suffering with Parkinson’s. 

We also later in the evening prayed and did quilts for 

1374.Sally who had a double mastectomy (friend of son Tom)… 

1375.Michelle Eimers with breast cancer….. 

1376. Joy Boon’s brother Nick who will be having a bone marrow transfusion to battle multiple myeloma… 

1377. Danelle & Brady Balogh waiting to bring their baby daughter home (2lb. 3 0z at birth but has gained to 5 – 13) 

We enjoyed having Abby Morganti and Anna Vonkeman join us.  It takes many hands and many prayers to keep our ministry going.  Each hand is so important because it takes many steps to make a quilt.  Thank you each one of you for whatever you do because it is all very special.

Our next work night will be Oct. 22nd.  We will have 2 work nights in Nov. then have Dec. off.  We will have a brunch on Sat. morning Dec. 7th unless there are too many conflicts.

Remember to each day to love one another and to Choose Joy.

Love, Joyce

Love never fails,

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three;

But the greatest of these is love.

I Corinthians 13:8, 13

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

September 24 2024. 1364.Lynda P. 1365.Brenda F. 1366.Dennis H. 1367.Julia D. 1368.Rosee H. 1369.Kelly C. 1370.Peg R.

 Good morning ladies… is Fall.

Last night started out slow but as the evening progressed we kept adding…… was great to see each one of you.

We prayed and tied quilts for 

                                1364.Lynda P. dealing with many medical problems….

1365.Brenda F. whose dear husband died….

                               1366.Dennis H. dealing with some cancer…..


                             1367.Julia D who is dealing with West Nile

                             1368. Rosee H who broke her hip.

                                  1369. Kelly C who is dealing with unknown medical problems


              1370.Peg R. whose husband just died (Husband was Marian’s nephew)


 Continue to remember these special people and remember to pray for one another.

Our next work night is Oct. 8th.

Thanks Marci for the treats.

Remember each day to CHOOSE JOY and also know that each one of you is special.

Love, Joyce

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.  Lam. 3:22-23