Thursday, November 29, 2018

November 2018: 518. Dale&Sue Holvett, 519. Russell Beldin, 520. Deb, 521. Jon Bundy, 522. Tim&Karen Schrepel

November 27, 2018
Good morning ladies on a gray cloudy day.  We will just need to make our own light shine.
We had a busy but great night last night.  We prayed for 5 quilts:
518.…for Dale & Sue Holvett, Mary Hofmann’s sister dealing with medical and some social problems…..

519.....for Russell Beldin, Amy Meehan’s uncle…who has been in the hospital for 6 weeks with a termanal illness…..

520.  for Deb, Sandy McElhatton’s friend…who is dealing with medical problems….

521. for Jon Bundy….who has been very sick but improving in a Sioux Falls hospital……

522.   for Tim Schrepel..Joyce’s son…who will be having (I think) a new hip Dec. 10th

 Continue to pray for each of these individuals.  This is our mission.  May God continue to bless our mission.
I don’t always hear of needs so be sure to tell me when you know of someone wo would be blessed with a quilt.
Last night was our last work night in 2018.  We will have our Christmas party on Dec. 12th at 6:30.  Just bring some type of food to add to our table which ends up to be very generous.  We will not go home hungrey…..bring something healthy or unhealthy…salty…sweet …hot … all works out.  We will not be sewing but we will have a couple of quilts to pray for.  Jan. 8th, 2019 will be our next work night.
It has been another good year.  Welcome to you new ladies.  We hope you will continue to come.  There is always work to do and what good fellowship and prayer time we have.  How good it is for us to give of our time to give a bit of happiness to someone else.
Always remember that each one of you is very special and I love you all.

                    This should be a joyous time of year.  May we cherish the real meaning of Christmas and
                    not let the hustle and bustle all around us make us forget that Christ is Christmas.

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